نمایش نسخه فارسی


Recommendations for Effective Scientific Poster Communication

    - Please remember that you are not writing an article.

    - Seek simplicity; keep text to a minimum and avoid redundancies.

    - Be sure that your poster attracts attention, emphasizes important points, reads easily, and stimulates interest. Use, but don’t overuse, bold fonts and colors.

    - Facts should be printed in single phrases or words.

    - Define unfamiliar or complex terms as simply as possible.

    - Use pictorial or graphic illustrations to clarify and enhance a message. Figures and tables should cover approximately 50 percent of the poster area.

    - Use a typeface that is legible from six feet away.

    - Use a consistent font throughout.

    - Use a minimal amount of punctuation. Avoid abbreviations and acronyms where possible, especially in the conclusions.

    - The viewer should be able to grasp the total message in five minutes.

    - Feel free to provide one or more key references.

    - Handouts of your abstract, with your contact information, may facilitate future research communications with fellow conference attendees.


Poster Presentation Guideline

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1 Poster Presentation Guideline - PPT 905.68 KB